Legal details

Details in accordance with section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)

Sylvia Scheibe
Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 4
23560 Luebeck, Germany

Tel.: +49 451 9695035
Mobile: +49 163 4319062
Electronic mail address: sylvia(at)


Legal form: Sole trader

VAT identification number pursuant to section 27a of the German VAT Act: DE814253215

Professional liability: Professional indemnity insurance valid worldwide, ERGO Versicherung AG, Victoriaplatz 1, 40477 Dusseldorf, Germany

Responsibility for content pursuant to section 5 of the TMG: Sylvia Scheibe, address above

Copyright and use: The originator specifically grants you the right to make a private copy for your own personal use. You are, however, not entitled to modify the material and/or to forward or to publish it yourself.
Unless explicitly indicated to the contrary, the copyright to texts are the property of: Sylvia Scheibe

Photo header graphic: Copyright by Nebuto –

Web design: Verena Spilker / Waterbear Mediendesign

Liability notice: Despite careful control, Sylvia Scheibe accepts no responsibility for the content of external links. Only their operators are responsible for the content of the linked pages.

Data protection: If there is the option to enter personal or business data (email addresses, names, addresses) within the internet offers, the user discloses this data explicitly on a voluntary basis. This data is not forwarded to third parties without explicit permission. You can find the privacy policy here.

Breach of industrial property rights: If you suspect that this website breaches one of your industrial property rights, please let me know immediately by e-mail to enable the situation to be rectified quickly.

Settlement of disputes: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution at:

Terms and conditions: You can download my terms and conditions here  (PDF format).